We know that proposing marriage is one of the most important events of your life. We also know that for some, it can be a daunting time. As experts in proposal planning and staging, we have compiled the 'must-do' proposal list:
1. Make sure you're both ready
The first thing you need to determine is if you’re ready for this big step. Ask yourself, do you have the same values? Are you compatible? Do you really see yourself spending the rest of your life with this person?
2. Ask blessing from the parents
This is one tradition that some communities consider compulsory. It shows a sign of respect to the family and to your partner.
3. Buy a ring
Presenting the ring is a sign of your commitment, makes the moment real, and it seals the deal! Ideally, it would be good to find out your partner's ring size and style beforehand. You could sneak a peek at your partner’s existing jewelry or asking their friends and family about their style preference.
4. Pop the question plan
This is the commonly overlooked stage of a marriage proposal, yet it is the most important. When you announce your engagement, the first thing people want to know is “How did you propose?!” You need a story worth telling your children and your grandchildren. Consider how, when, and where you want to propose.
When thinking about the proposal date, you could consider the following:
the date when the ring will be ready for collection
on a sentimental date like an anniversary, birthday or your first date!

Photo Courtesy of Taisiia Stupak
The key to coming up with a proposal plan is always have your partner in mind. Do they like the outdoors, do they like adventure or are more low-key. Click here to view our favorite proposals we have previously planned.
5. The logistics
There are a few factors you need to consider when working out the logistics of your proposal. Always make sure you have a contingency plan in place.
time of day
how will you get your partner there
6. The day of
The day has arrived! Make sure you have prepared your proposal speech. Run through the whole day to make sure you have everything in place.
7. Post proposal
Congratulations you're engaged! Organize a restaurant reservation to continue the celebration with your family and friends.
Do you want a memorable marriage proposal? Contact us to discuss our proposal services on (305)-815-7151 or for more information email us hello@ludirakphoto.com. We have been organizing marriage proposals in 2018.